Christians VS Muslims at Speakers Corner - The Holy Spirit in The Bible is Not Muhammad - P2

In this conversation I am speaking to a Jamaican Muslim at Speakers Corner Hyde Park who was trying to do the usual lost cause attempt at saying that the Holy Spirit was not a spirit from God, but was just a man so that he can then try to slide Muhammad into the Bible.
You might wonder why some Muslims seem to be so desperate to try to say that Muhammad is mentioned in the Bible, well they have to do it because Muhammad decided to say in the Quran that he was mentioned in the Torah and the Gospel, which then now forces Muslims to have to force Muhammad into the Bible, even though they have no chance of succeeding in this mission. This is one of the obvious ways in which Islam is false, because the prophets from the Bible do not care about being mentioned in any other books, because they know that the other books are false, while Muhammad knows that the Torah and the Gospel are true, while he is false so he knows that he has to use them as a crutch, in order to bolster up the lies that he is bringing to the Arabs. You might wonder why Islam has been so successful, even though it is built on lies, well the unfortunate thing about the majority of people in this world, is that they prefer liars who speak nicely to them with silver tongues and this is what Muhammad and his Muslim evangelists prefer to do, so that is why their teachings are now way more popular than the truth.
The Bible is written in a way that exposes the good and the bad in people, so Muslims like to take advantage of this by saying that a book from God shouldn't contain things like this, but our God is a God of truth, so we should expect to see the good and the bad behaviours of people, in any book that He has arranged for us to read. Because the Quran originated from a man who had to please his warriors, you would not expect to find anything too scary in it, but the Bible was given to us by a God who wants us to know the truth of the situation that we are in, so He does not hide the way that he judges stubborn and rebellious people, along with whoever they are guardians over, so Muslims like to take advantage of this, to try say that our God is not just, because he makes the families of the evildoers also feel the effects of His judgements on them. Our God is just showing them one of the realities of this life, which is that other people should not be responsible for the descendants of evildoers.


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