Devils in The House of God

This recording is of the behaviour of some people who are supposed to be servants of God. This church is one that I grew up in and I do not remember hearing any noises like these, when the congregation was showing its appreciation for whatever had been rendered. I can understand when people scream and shout like this at a rock or pop concert, because they were set up by the Devil, so you would expect his congregation members to be a bit wild, but real servants of God are supposed to bear the fruits of the Spirit, when they are operating in His house. I even remember a 7th Day Adventist presentation, where the presenter was mentioning about how there had sometimes even been violence, at some so called Christian music concerts.
When seeing how the behaviour has deteriorated at even Sabbath keeping Christian churches, I can see this as one of the reasons why God had to raise up the Hebrew Israelites, because he knew that the Devil’s people would be infiltrating the Sabbath churches in a big way, which would then make them useless, for raising up His people in the last days. When the Hebrew Israelites can get rid of the false doctrines that they are teaching, then they will be ready to take over from the fake Christian church, so that we can finally leave these fake church pastors to the flames.

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