Explaining a Prophecy About The Son of God in the Old Testament to a Confused Muslim

There is a lot of loud talking at the beginning of this recording, but I have included it because it is related to the quieter conversation that happens later on. In this recording I am speaking to a Muslim about a prophecy relating to the Son of God in the Old Testament. When you listen to most of the recordings of conversations at Speakers Corner, you should notice that the Muslims will do their best to bring the conversation around to something relating to the Trinity, but you will notice that this Muslim could not do this, because we do not believe in the fake Trinity doctrine that the Europeans have made up. While we were talking, a Catholic woman came and interrupted us, to try to convince us to stop arguing with each other. She seemed like a standard Catholic who would do a lot of talking, while also ignoring whatever we were saying. I am actually impressed that there are so many people, who think that evangelism is mostly about just giving your opinion, while also avoiding using the Bible.

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