Is This Virus Pandemic a Sign From God? Do the Atheists Have To Repent Now?

When I have been looking at the things that have changed since the SARS-Cov-2 virus arrived on the scene, it seems to me as if this is not something that a group of humans could have planned, because of how it is mainly the frivolous distractions in life that have been shut down. The things that are necessary for people to live have obviously been kept running and they seem to be operating in a way so that life can almost continue as normal, which shows that the frivolous things that people were doing in their lives, were just a waste of time.
Some people might think that God is ok with people just enjoying their lives any way that they can, but we can see from the Bible that He sometimes allows the comfortable people to enjoy themselves for a while and will then eventually allow them to find out the hard way, why their style of living is not the safest way for them to be spending their time on this earth. When we look at how the people in Laish were living their lives, we can see how God is not too happy with how slack they are as they go through their lives and He then explains the disadvantages of the way that they were living when the Danites have raided and destroyed the place that they were living in. Now some people might think that the Bible is a joke and that God does not have anything useful to say to us in it, but it looks as if the people in Spain should have listened to the warning that God had given, because they ended up being raided by the Muslims and we can hear from Dr Daniel Janosik that the Spanish were living in a similar way to the people in Laish, when the Muslims decided to raid their country and then destroyed them in a similar way.
You might wonder what the above has to do with the current virus pandemic that we are in and from what I cn see, it certainly looked as if there were a lot of people in this world, who were living it up and trying to enjoy their life as much as they could, while also even thinking that they were safe, because of the progress that had been mad against the previous virus attacks that have happened. There are even the atheists who seem to think that their scientists have enough of a knowledge of this life, so that they can turn this place into a utopia, but their scientists have now been put under pressure by them to find a cure to this current virus and it looks as if God has certainly given them a challenge, that might make some atheists think again about whether a God does actually exist.
With the previous pandemics and epidemics that have hit the world, the symptoms for the infection were evident in a person, so it did not take that long for people to work out which people to avoid and they also had a trail of symptoms that they could follow, when the time came for them to start the quarantine peocess. This current virus attack that we are under is different, because it can now enter and reside in a person, while not givin them any symptoms, which then allows that person to go around spreading the virus, to the rest of the people that they end up being in contact with or even have spoken to, because it looks as if this virus is small enough to even ride any liquid vapours, that can be emitted from an infected person. The spread of this virus seems to have been assisted, by the stealth characteristics that have been programmed into this virus and it is highly unlikely that there exists any human scientists, that have the required knowledge that would be needed in order to create a virus, the can exactly produce the right kind of variable symptoms, that can then allow it to spread around a world, that already has a lot of knowledge related to stopping viruses from spreading.
The other big problem that scientists would have when it comes to making a virus like this, is that a lot of testing would have to have been done in order to tune the virus, so that it would cause the precise range of symptoms that they were after, so they would have needed a lot of human ginuea pigs to work with, which would also make it that much harder for them to keep it a secret. The God that made heaveen and earth, obviously would not have any of these problems like the human scientists, because He has full knowledge of all of the sciences and He also knows the future, so He would be able to create a virus like this in an instant and it would obviously do the job exactly how it had been programmed to do.

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Church destroyed by virus